café for contemporary art

Emiliano Sepulveda has installed a little show…

Posted in architecture, art, dance, exhibitions, Recent Complicities, Uncategorized by tyler057 on September 6, 2009

In the little gap between the young architects/artists/sign-makers’ workshop that resulted in the Terminal Visions exhibition and Seung Young Kim’s upcoming exhibition (opens Sept 19) we are very happy to welcome an experimental installation/environment by Emiliano Sepulveda.  It doesn’t have a name yet, and maybe it never will, but it is lovely.

When Matthew, our beloved Matthew, learned that there was going to be a little gap between shows he said, hey, the other night I met this interesting guy, an artist, I don’t know exactly what it is that he is doing, but it seems really interesting, engaged in a sort of probing and translating of urban space.  What has resulted is a dance of urban light and form.

Emiliano’s show will be up for the duration of next week, closing on Sunday the 13th.  Come check it out if you get the chance.

Unfinished Speculative Architecture Thread #1

Posted in architecture, exhibitions by tyler057 on July 26, 2009


>>From: Holly

Hello city dreamers,

Firstly thank you all for the huge interest and enthusiasm in this project, I realise it is all a bit vague at the moment and I really appreciate the trust you all have in the project and eachother even before it has all begun, it makes me really excited!
So it all begins on Monday 9:30am at Cafe for Contemporary Art,  It’s really important that you try your best to make it on Monday to meet everyone and get a good break down of the brief followed by questions…. and for coffee. If you can not work full time on the project then this will be a great time to share your schedules with each other and work out some sweet synchronisation.
Monday afternoon will be organised on the spot and primarily for discussion and maybe a field trip to the site. If you can not stay in the afternoon this is fine – and we can give you notes about how you can get to the site.  I do think it may be important for some of you to go alone to the site to experience it in a solitary way, but to go in groups first might be easier and more fun. If you have a laptop/

cameras/drawing equipment/—-/ you may find it very useful to bring them along.

attached is a brief to look over in case you didn’t get an updated copy.

and finally: If you all could please email me an image or a piece of writing or visual work by tomorrow that would be perfect (for an artists bio)…
Thank you all! We’re looking forward to monday in a huge way,
see you all soon,
Holly (more…)